Documentation version 2.3
This documentation will help you familiarise yourself with the 'Ultimate News App' Android App and the web based Admin page. It is suggested that you first upload the admin page to your server and make sure it is working before proceeding to the Android App. The Android App will work fine using the demo server, however it is required to setup firebase for it to work well without errors. The setup of Firebase is explained in the Admin Page Video Tutorial.
Username: admin Password: pass
Make sure your have Android Studio 4.0.1 installed and in the Android SDK Manager make sure you have the following installed:
Try to place the project file as close to root (C:/) as possible as windows has a path character limit of 240chars. So, if you get the error:"Failed to crunch file...", reduce the path length.
Step 1 - Open up Android Studio and click 'open an existing Android Studio project'.
Step 2 - Drag and drop the 'News App' folder in the dialog to go quickly to the folder.
Step 3 - Make sure 'News App' is highlighted and click 'ok'.
Step 4 - Go to your Firebase Console and download the 'google-services.json' file and replace the placeholder in app/google-services.json. This step is included in the Admin Page video - If you skip this step you will encounter an error during compile time.
Step 5 - Press the Play button to test the app on the emulator or connect your phone via usb to your computer to try it on your phone.
This step must be done else you will have problems uploading to Google play and the Rate feature will not work.
Step 1 - Make sure the 'Compact Empty Middle Packages' option is deselected as shown below.
Step 2 - Rename the package id by right clicking on 'neurondigital' and selecting 'refactor' and 'rename' as shown below.
Step 3 - If a similar popup comes up, Click Rename package.
Step 4 - In the popup menu type in your company name. Then press 'refactor' and in the next popup window press 'Do Refactor'. Do the same for 'newsapp'. The package name should be in this format: com.yourcompany.AppName
Step 5 - Open app/build.gradle and put in the same package id as before instead of the 'com.neurondigital.newsapp'. This is shown below.
Step 1 - Put in your Server url in
Step 2 - Replace the share deep link url in res/strings.xml. When the user opens a url that matches the url you specified here, it would be opened up in the News app. If the app is not installed, the url would be opened on the browser, so make sure to choose a domain owned by you and has the server on it. eg:
The images can be found under app/res/drawable. To replace the images just copy/paste the image in the drawable folder to replace the other.
The icons can be found in app/res/mipmap. Notice that there are different sizes. To replace the icons just right-click->new->Image Asset and select your image.
For All Admob Ads you need to create an Admob Account, create a new Admob App and replace the sample admob_app_id in strings.xml with your Admob App Id. Then follow the points below to add the specific ad unit ids.
Create an interstitial Ad on AdMob and paste the AD unit Id in the strings.xml file. The Ad displays when the user clicks an article in the home screen. Make sure to add this to start making money from your App. The display rate can be changed from strings.xml from the ad_shows_every_X_clicks parameter.
Like the interstitial Ad, create a Banner Ad on AdMob and paste the AD unit Id in the strings.xml file. The Ad displays in the bottom of the screen. Ideally to prevent annoying the user, it's either the banner or the interstitial ad, so you may wish to leave one of the Ad IDs in strings.xml empty.
Please note that the app already has firebase analytics. However, if you still want the legacy Google analytics, create a new google Analytics property and you'll be provided with a tracking id which should have this format: "UA-xxxxxxxx-xx". Put this tracking id in strings.xml in the 'google_analytics_id' field.
To use this feature you need to purchase an 'Extended License' of the template from CodeCanyon. This feature is not covered in the 'Regular License.'
Step 1 - The template allows for the user to purchase a premium upgrade to remove ads using google Play In-app Payments. Before doing so, create your app in Google Play Dashboard and locate the 'Public Key' as it can seen below:
Step 2 - Then add a new in-app product and give it a Product id.
Step 3 - Finally, put your Public Key and product id in
All translatable text is contained within the strings.xml file.
Go to Build| Generate Signed APK... and export the .APK file.
Make sure to keep up with the template updates and bug fixes on our facebook page.
If you need any support,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1 - Jun 7nd, 2017 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Initial Upload ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2 - May 28th, 2018 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Target updated to Api 27 - Updated Libraries - Bug Fix : SQL database was updated to fix an issue when importing in recent versions of mysql - Bug Fix : Facebook comments url fixed ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.1 - 21st Sept, 2018 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Privacy Policy & Terms both in Native App & in Web App - Added Admob App id support - Removed Google Analytics (To remove access to advertising id and comply with google Policy) – Use Firebase Analytics instead. - Notifications Sent when an article is saved now open the article when clicked ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.2 - 5th Nov 2018 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Changed order of jCenter() and google() in build.gradle - This was causing an issue with latest Android Studio. - Updated to Api 28 and Migrated to AndroidX - Fixed icon issue in AndroidManifest.xml - Removed extra unnecessary libraries for a faster build. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.3 - 5th Nov 2020 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Updated to support Android Studio 4.0.1. - Updated to Android API 29 - All Libraries updated - Multidex enabled to allow for larger app source code. - Added GDPR Ad consent - Added GDPR Personalised Ads enable/disable in settings - Fixed a bug on the server that was causing the firebase notifications not to be sent (